Connecting people and their platforms with full spectrum policy-relevant information, we offer a wide range of services to take your organization to the next level. I’ve created a unique Law-Tech Connect™ brand to link law and policy and education with the tech space. If you don’t see what you need on this list, reach out to us and let’s talk about how else we may best be of service to you!
I’m a planner by nature. The military trained me to be a strategic thinker. I’ve formulated military plans and authored numerous policies on topics ranging from UAS to commercial sponsorships. I created and led DoD’s Domestic Imagery Working Group, helping forge the strategic direction of UAS policy for the DoD and Air Force. I’ve authored a broad range of policies, including on UAS operations.
I planned my first conference in 1998, when I co-organized our annual trial counsel regional event. I negotiated a $7M commercial deal for the JAG Keystone leadership conference. I’ve organized and executed numerous training & educational events, clinics, workshops, webinars, and discussion panels, as well as designed curriculum for educators, teachers, and others.
I’ve been developing continuing legal and other educational program content for 22 years, including the ABA Homeland Security Law Institute and the IEEE-sponsored International Conference on UAS, where I co-founded its Legal Track. I’ve built courses and organized working groups at the university and executive levels. I created the Law-Tech Connect™ brand to partner with tech expos and other advanced platform outlets to bring quality legal content to their events.
I’m a prolific author and presenter on law, policy, and tech. In the past ten years, I’ve provided countless global presentations, authored a book, book chapters, scholarly articles, guide books, magazine articles and served as adjunct faculty for Colorado State University-Pueblo & the U.S. Air Force Academy. I develop online and printed content for journals, magazines, e.newsletters and periodicals. I have a Dawn of Drones podcast and a Patreon™ page to access episodes and special content.
I assist others in improving their writing skills. From my early days volunteering at the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Writing Center, to editing technical proceedings for the International Conference on UAS, to compiling and copy-editing the eleven chapters that comprise the Law and Policy Section of Springer’s UAV Handbook 2nd Edition, I have a knack for making written products top notch.
I help others speak up or speak out. As a trained advocate and 27-year legal advisor, with experience as an elite prosecutor, college negotiations teacher and advocacy instructor, I’ve provided high-level executives one-on-one advice and counsel on strategic communications in crisis-management situations and helped them successfully “make their case” on a wide range of issues on a daily basis.