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Airborne ISR Conference 2023

ADS-B / Sense & Avoid / Detect & Avoid | Aerodynamic / Wind Tunnel Testing | AGL / Ground Proximity | AIS - Automatic Identification System | Autopilot Systems | Battery Management Systems | Battery Packs | C-UAS - Counter UAS | CCD / Infrared (EOIR) | Conferences | Connectors / Fasteners | CRM - Crew Resource Management | Dangerous Goods Transport | Data Distribution System / Components | Data Storage | Delivery / Cargo Payload | Delivery Packaging | Electrical Power System / Distribution | Electronic Components | Encrypted Datalink / Components | Engine components | Engine Cooling System & Components | Engines & Propulsion Systems | Exhibitions & Tradeshows | External Lighting Systems | Fixed Wing | Fleet / Operations Management System | Flight Recorder / Logger | Flight Sensors | Flight Test Engineer | Fuel Tanks & System Components | Generators | GPS / GNSS Products & Components | Hybrid Systems | Hybrid VTOL Fixed-Wing | Image Enhancement Software | Imaging & Stills | Inertial Measurment Units (IMU) | Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) | Internet / Connectivity | Laser Distance Measurement | Laser Illuminators | Laser Rangefinders | Launch & Recovery Systems | Liquid Level Sensors | Logistics Equipment | LOS Datalink / Components | LTA - Unmanned Lighter Than Air | Maintenance / Infrastructure | Mapping Software | Materials & Manufacturing | Meteorology Sensors | Mission Data Processing, Analysis & Distribution Software | Modelling Software | Motors | Multi-Spectral | Navigation & Guidance Systems | Operational / Control Columns | Optical Systems | Parachute / Airbag Technology | Pilot | Propellers / Blades (Thrust / Lift) | Routing & Switching | SAR / MPR | SATCOM Datalink / Components | Sensor Operator | Sensor Operator Training | Simulation Software / Hardware | Single Rotary - RUAS | Software Integration | Solar Power Panels & Converters | Solar Powered | Sonar | Target Drones | Technician Training | Testing Facilities / Testing Sites | Tethered | Transponders | USV - Unmanned Surface Vehicle | UTM - UAS Traffic Management | Video / Mission Payload Data Link / Components | Video Encoder | Video Recording | Voice Radios / Radio Components | Weather Sensors


Gold Sponsor: Leonardo


  Enhancing Airborne ISR Capabilities with the Integration of New Platforms

SAE Media Group is delighted to announce the return of the 8th Annual Airborne ISR Conference, which will convene on 18-19 October 2023 in London, UK.

Airborne ISR is the leading event for military experts, industry professionals and government officials from around the world, bringing together the thought leaders in the Airborne ISR field to share their knowledge and facilitate solutions.


A truly global event, delegates will hear from military experts and industry speakers from around the world on the full spectrum of challenges, priorities, and updates for allied armed forces, as Airborne ISR capabilities have become more crucial for effective operations.


Whether you are a military officer, government official, academic researcher, industry professional, or a representative from a defence organization, the International Airborne ISR Conference promises to be an unmissable event.

By attending, you will gain invaluable insight, forge strategic partnerships, and contribute to the advancement of airborne ISR capabilities globally.

Benefits of attending:

• Hear the latest developments from leading international programmes from air, land and maritime domains.

• Discuss how nations are adopting and adapting technology to gain greater competitive overmatch.

• Explore how nations are engaging with oneanother to disseminate and analyse information.

• Attend a conference where you can meet and network with leading programme managers.

• Understand how nations are adopting systems and technologies to secure information and decision dominance.


Airborne ISR, C4ISR, ISTAR, air intelligence, C2, command and control, UAV, RPAS, UAS, C3ISR, C4ISRNET, Aviation, ground surveillance, JISR, NATO, Airborne Surveillance, Naval ISR, maritime, defense, military, defence, army, soldier, SAE Media Group, conference, Airborne ISR 2023, manned platforms, unmanned platforms, airborne intelligence, airborne systems, drone, Maritime Patrol, Data Dissemination, UAV Technology, International Surveillance Cooperation, AWACS, 5th Generation ISR, Threat Evolution

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