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UAV Technology Conference 2023

ADS-B / Sense & Avoid / Detect & Avoid | AGL / Ground Proximity | Artificial Intelligence | Autopilot Systems | Battery Management Systems | Battery Packs | C-UAS - Counter UAS | Conferences | Connectors / Fasteners | Data Distribution System / Components | Data Storage | Delivery Services | Drivers & Controllers | Drone-in-a-box | Electrical Power System / Distribution | Encrypted Datalink / Components | Engine components | Engine Cooling System & Components | Engines & Propulsion Systems | Exhibitions & Tradeshows | Expendable | External Lighting Systems | Fixed Wing | Flight Recorder / Logger | Flight Sensors | General Operations | Generators | Government Compliance | GPS / GNSS Products & Components | Gyroscopes | Hybrid Systems | Hybrid VTOL Fixed-Wing | Image Enhancement Software | Inertial Measurment Units (IMU) | Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) | Infrastructure and Inspection Services | Jet Powered | Laser Distance Measurement | Launch & Recovery Systems | Liquid Level Sensors | LTA - Unmanned Lighter Than Air | Machine Learning | Maintenance & Repairs | Mapping Services | Mapping Software | Materials & Manufacturing | Meteorology Sensors | Motors | Multirotor | Navigation & Guidance Systems | Operational / Control Columns | Propellers / Blades (Thrust / Lift) | Propulsion Testing Tools & Equipment | Regulation Services | Research & Development | Routing & Switching | SATCOM Datalink / BLOS / BNLOS Components | Screws / Bolts | Single Rotary - RUAS | Solar Power Panels & Converters | Solar Powered | Standardization | Target Drones | Tools & Assembly / Tooling | UGV - Unmanned Ground Vehicle | USV - Unmanned Surface Vehicle | UTM - UAS Traffic Management | UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicle | Video / Mission Payload Data Link / Components | Video Encoder | Video Recording | Voice Radios / Radio Components | Weather Sensors | Wires & Cables

Airspace Integration, Reconnaissance, and Strike


Uncrewed aerial systems have become one of the most researched and pursued military technologies of the past decade, and UAV Technology 2023 is the leading international forum dedicated towards the development of uncrewed aerial systems – allowing for essential dialogue between military, international organisations, and industry.

The conference will include presentations and panels on topics that range from multi-national UAV development programmes to airspace integration.

We look forward to welcoming the global UAV community to this leading conference, in order to maintain dialogue, share ground-breaking ideas, and further this aspect of modern warfare.


The themes covered for 2023 include:

·         Airspace Integration

·         Tactical UAVs

·         MALE-class Drone Acquisition and Operation

·         Current and Future UAV Programmes

·         International Co-Operation

Key reasons to attend:

·         Enjoy unparalleled networking opportunities with senior leaders in military and government spheres and subject matter experts – as well as key industry figures who are driving solutions in this critically important field.

·         You will also listen to numerous interactive briefings and panels from the same UAV programme managers, international experts, and senior military officers – increasing your knowledge with expert and international perspectives.

Join us, then, for a two-day conference – and leave with a plan for your country’s future UAV platforms, or your company’s future efforts.

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